10 Ways to Improve Employee Communication At the Workplace

As always in time, communication drives change – whether in relationships, businesses, or even in the workplace. As an employer, you always need to guarantee you can communicate with all employees, especially when remote work is more common than ever. But how do you do this? Here are 10 best ways to improve employee communication and how you can leverage Zight for the best correspondence!

Zight | October 02, 2022 | 12 min read time

Article Last Updated: December 13, 2023

10 Ways to Improve Employee Communication At the Workplace

Ever been in a situation where what you said and what your colleague heard were two entirely different things? It’s like that game of broken telephone we played as kids, only in the workplace, the stakes are way higher.

Miscommunications can turn into missed deadlines, confused faces in meetings, and let’s not even get started on the email threads that go on forever. It’s a common struggle in offices everywhere, whether you’re working shoulder-to-shoulder or screen-to-screen. So, it’s time to invest in effective communication skills, and the best place to start will be improving employee communication.

Not sure how? Read on as we share the best tips below!

The Importance Of Workplace Communication

How we interact with our colleagues and employees has undergone drastic shifts in recent years. While remote work isn’t entirely new, the number of workers now operating in a primarily or partially remote work setting has dramatically increased. This only underscores the need for transparent communication practices, especially employee communication.

Employee communication simply refers to any form of communication between an employee and the leadership and management of an organization. Employee communication is also a component of the overall employee experience, which can be essential in attracting and retaining talent. When it comes to improving employee communication, it is essential to understand the various methods of communication available and what styles and channels your team prefers.

We have an incredible number of tools at our disposal for better communication. From in-person conversations to live video communications to recorded videos, emails, direct chat messages, and more, the options we have for communicating have never been greater.

Employee Communication Methods

There are two main approaches to any form of communication: synchronous and asynchronous communication.

Synchronous communication occurs when the interaction happens in real-time and all involved parties are present and participating – like a phone call.

Asynchronous communication occurs at all other times when the interaction can be moved at the recipient and sender’s leisure and all involved parties are not required to participate actively – like a voice mail or an email.

Depending on the type of interaction and the information needing to be exchanged, it is important to distinguish when each is the preferred method.

When Employee Communication Should be Synchronous

There are certain instances when a synchronous method should be your choice for employee communication. Let’s take a look at a few times when synchronous should be used:

a) Personal Meetings / Sensitive Information

Part of the employee experience is getting to know their teammates and leadership. It is important to set aside time for a synchronous discussion to get to know each other and to help them feel more ingrained and included in the company.

This will not only give you a chance to ask your employees questions but also give them the space and opportunity to ask you any questions, get clarity on initiatives or activities, or even make suggestions or provide their thoughts.

Another personal meeting that should be done synchronously is providing feedback or performance critiques. Sending a note or a message about how well they are doing can always be done as a quick email or chat. Still, any form of evaluation should be done synchronously to improve clarity and allow for the back-and-forth.

b) Decision-making or Brainstorming Sessions

These meetings can start through an asynchronous method, but these will ultimately require feedback and input from multiple sources and may be time-sensitive.

If someone is unresponsive or you aren’t getting the answer, you need to push an initiative forward; having the conversation in real-time can require them to provide the answer needed.

Brainstorming can be a powerful tool when faced with a problem where the answer is uncertain, and the steps to solve it are unknown. Each participant can pull thoughts together beforehand, but having additional parties as a sounding board can be instrumental in achieving a desired outcome.

When Employee Communication Could Be Asynchronous

a) Company Updates

Instead of adding another meeting to your employees’ calendars, some company updates could be handled asynchronously. For example, a typical all-hands-on team meeting consisting of speakers distributing information without input or external feedback could be done in the form of an email or a video message that employees can view on their own time.

This will help reduce overall workplace distractions and increase productivity since employees will not need to cut an activity short to be able to join the meeting.

b) Status Reports or Check-Ins

Similar to a company update, if you are just providing a task list or a few updates to an employee, doing this asynchronously can be more effective. This allows employees to view or review this information at their own time and may not require immediate attention or feedback.

It can also go upstream in the form of employees providing their status reports to management without requiring setting up time for a meeting.

10 Ways To Improve Employee Communication

As you can see, you can use different communication channels and styles to improve communication with employees whether in the office or remote employees. But, it takes more than just sending an email or message or just recording a video. Here’s how you can guarantee effective workplace communication across the board:

1. Regular One-on-One Meetings

Regular one-on-one meetings are personalized sessions between a manager and an employee, focusing on individual performance, feedback, and career development. These meetings are crucial for understanding an employee’s challenges, aspirations, and feedback on workplace matters.

You want to implement these meetings to build a stronger rapport between managers and employees, ensuring that each team member feels heard and valued. It’s an opportunity to discuss progress, set goals, and address any concerns in a private, focused setting.

Besides that, these meetings can significantly enhance employee engagement and job satisfaction. They provide a platform for proactive problem-solving, personal development, and aligning individual goals with company objectives. This leads to increased productivity, better employee retention, and a more harmonious workplace culture.

To improve communication skills with this tip, you can use the best communication software like Zight.

For instance, you can use Zight’s screen recording feature to prepare talking points, review performance metrics, or highlight specific areas for discussion.

In addition, you can also use the webcam recording features to prepare virtual meetings for remote teams. After the meeting, you can also share the summary or action items using Zight’s screenshot or GIF features to provide a clear and engaging reference for the employee. This approach ensures clarity and keeps both parties accountable for discussed action points.

2. Encourage Sending Clear and Concise Emails

Email is still one of the most valuable tools for workplace communication. With over 4.26 billion email users worldwide, you want to encourage your employees to use the channel more. But, the ability to write clear and concise emails is invaluable – especially conveying your message effectively without overwhelming the recipient with unnecessary information.

When you send clear and concise emails, you enhance understanding and reduce the time spent on email correspondence. Clear emails prevent misinterpretation and ensure the recipient knows exactly what is expected, leading to more efficient task execution and decision-making. They also respect the recipient’s time, allowing them to respond more quickly and effectively to boost productivity and foster a culture of respect and efficiency.

Your workplace will always thrive on clarity and efficiency, which you can guarantee when you streamline your emailing structure. Besides writing the best subject lines and composing the best email content, you can use Zight to create annotated screenshots or GIFs that visually demonstrate your points. This will help you explain complex ideas, provide step-by-step guides, or highlight specific areas in a document or application.

You can even create brief video explanations or presentations to embed in emails. This approach will make your emails more engaging and ensure your message is understood exactly as intended, thus reducing back-and-forth emails for better overall communication efficiency.

3. Use Effective Use of Video Communication

Embracing video communication means integrating video calls, conferences, and recorded messages into your regular communication channels. It will help you leverage the power of visual and auditory elements to enhance the clarity and personal touch for better communication in the workplace.

Video communication can bridge the gap between traditional face-to-face interactions and digital correspondence. For you, this means building stronger relationships with your team, especially in a remote or hybrid work environment. It adds a personal touch that emails or texts can’t match, fostering better understanding and empathy among team members.

Video in workplace communication can lead to more engaged and connected teams. It’s effective for complex or sensitive discussions where nuances and non-verbal cues are important. With it, you’ll enjoy better decision-making, more creative brainstorming sessions, and a stronger sense of team cohesion, all of which are vital for your business’s success.

And the best part? You only need Zight to implement the best open communication with video.

With this video recording software, you can record important meetings, presentations, or announcements and make them available in real-time for team members who couldn’t attend. This ensures everyone stays on the same page, regardless of their schedule or time zone.

In addition, you can use Zight’s screen recording feature to create instructional videos or walkthroughs, which can be more effective than written instructions.

Consider sending video messages to acknowledge team achievements, provide feedback, or share company news for even more personalized communication. This approach will save you time and add a personal touch to your communication so your team feels more connected.

4. Utilize Asynchronous Communication

As we saw above, asynchronous communication is all about not needing everyone available at the same moment. It’s you sending an email, recording a message, or updating a project status that your team can check when it suits them. This method respects everyone’s time and differing schedules, especially in a global or remote team setting.

As you will notice in the workplace, not every conversation needs to happen in real time. Asynchronous communication allows you and your team to process information and respond thoughtfully. It reduces the pressure of immediate replies, and leads to more thoughtful, well-considered communication. With it, you can cut down on unnecessary meetings and free up more time for focused work.

This method of communication is perfect for updates, check-ins, or sharing information that doesn’t require instant feedback. It can be a game-changer approach that will significantly improve workplace communication. With Zight, you can send a screen recording explaining a new process or giving feedback on a project. Your team can view it at their convenience, pause, rewind, and fully understand your message.

You can also use Zight for creating quick GIFs or annotated screenshots to clarify points in your updates or instructions. This way, you’re not just telling them what to do; you’re showing them, making your instructions clearer and more engaging.

5. Encourage Open Feedback

When you encourage feedback, you promote good communication in the office and beyond. Open feedback means fostering an environment where you and your team feel comfortable sharing thoughts, ideas, and constructive criticism freely and respectfully.

Constructive feedback helps you get insights that drive innovation and growth, while your teams feel heard to boost morale and employee engagement. You can leverage Zight to make giving and receiving feedback a breeze. For starters, you can use Zight’s screen recording feature to provide clear, visual feedback on projects or tasks.

You can also encourage your team to use Zight for sending their feedback and ideas, or even customer feedback, in a more dynamic and engaging way. Whether it’s a quick webcam recording to share a thought or a screen capture to point out a specific issue, Zight makes feedback more personal and effective.

6. Share Transparent Company Updates

Keeping everyone in the loop is key. Transparent company updates are about sharing the latest developments, changes, or news within your company in an open manner.

This prevents rumors, builds trust, and ensures that your team understands the company’s direction and their role in it. Your team will appreciate being kept in the know, which can lead to increased loyalty and a sense of ownership.

Use Zight to bring your company updates to life. Instead of a lengthy email, why not send a video update? With Zight, you can record and share video messages that capture not just the information but also your tone and enthusiasm. This can make your updates more engaging and personal.

7. Encourage Collaborative Brainstorming Sessions

Think of brainstorming sessions as your team’s creative playground – where you all come together to bounce ideas around, solve problems, and think outside the box. These sessions are crucial for fostering creativity and collaboration in your team. They encourage open communication, strengthen team bonds, and often lead to more effective and creative solutions. Plus, they can boost morale and engagement, as everyone gets a chance to contribute and be heard.

You can use Zight to make your brainstorming sessions even more dynamic. You can share your screen to present ideas, use the annotation tools to highlight or expand on points, and even record the session for those who can’t attend. This way, everyone can revisit the discussion and keep the creative juices flowing!

8. Create Time for Team Building

Setting aside time for team building is about more than just fun and games – it’s an opportunity for you and your team to connect on a deeper level, break down barriers, and build trust. These activities can range from simple ice-breaker exercises to more elaborate events or workshops.

Team building plays a crucial role in fostering a positive workplace culture. It encourages better understanding and collaboration among team members, which is essential for effective communication. When your team members feel comfortable with each other, they’re more likely to share ideas, voice concerns, and work together more cohesively.

9. Really Listen to Your Employees

You cannot improve communication with your workforce without listening to them. And this is not just hearing their words – you also want to actively engage in what they are saying to understand their perspectives and acknowledge their ideas and concerns. When you actively listen to your employees, you will also be able to answer their questions and show empathy.

As a result, you will build trust with employees and prove your respect to them. This is good because when employees feel heard, they’re more likely to be open, honest, and collaborative, leading to a more inclusive and innovative workplace.

Active listening or employee engagement doesn’t have to be complicated – you can use Zight to make your employees feel heard and to communicate with them on a personal level. For instance, after listening to your employees, you can use Zight to send personalized follow-up messages, acknowledging their input and outlining any agreed-upon actions. This shows that you have listened to and taken their feedback seriously.

In addition, you can use Zight to share summaries of meetings or discussions so that everyone’s points are accurately captured and considered. This will reinforce the message that every voice in your team is important and contributes to a culture of active listening and respect.

10. Consistently Set Expectations & Follow Up

This is the best tip if you want to improve communication skills in the workplace. It entails defining and communicating the goals, responsibilities, and performance standards for your team. It involves regularly checking in to review progress, provide feedback, and adjust objectives as needed. This practice ensures that you and your team are aligned and moving towards the same targets.

With this, you will also eliminate ambiguity since everyone understands their roles and what is expected of them. The clarity leads to better planning, prioritization, and execution of tasks. Regular follow-ups also provide opportunities for timely feedback and course corrections, which are essential for continuous improvement and achieving desired outcomes.

You can Zight’s features to enhance. For example, you can use screen recordings to clearly outline tasks and expectations visually, making them more engaging and easier to understand.

In addition, Zight’s screenshot and annotation tools can provide specific visual feedback on work, helping to clarify points and guide improvements. By integrating Zight into your expectation-setting and follow-up process, you’re not only streamlining communication but also reinforcing a structured and results-oriented work culture.

Zight: The Ultimate Asynchronous Visual Communication Tool

There you have it – you now understand what effective communication in the workplace is, and ways you can it to reduce team communication errors. It’s clear, all you need is reliable communication software like Zight, plus good strategies like the ones we discussed above, to communicate with and engage your employees better at work.

Zight makes visual asynchronous communication easy. Users can share information more clearly and provide additional context through visual means like screen recording, screen capture, annotated GIFs, and screenshots. Zight can seamlessly integrate into any employee workflow and help minimize disruptions while improving communication.

Through the use of visuals, we can provide greater clarity and context than through just written text. Adding in voice or video to the communication can add an additional layer of personalization and even more clarity with intonation and body language.

For those moments when employee communication can be done asynchronously, leveraging Zight can greatly improve the exchange of information and the employee experience.

Schedule a demo to see how Zight can improve your employee communication today!

Create & share screenshots, screen recordings, and GIFs with Zight